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    Shut down 結果共13筆

  • Taipei mayor oders popular restaurant chain to shut down

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an orders closure of Polam Kopitiam branches due to alleged food poisoning cases. Public concern rises after a tragic incident at a branch in Hsinyi District. Investigation ongoing to determine cause of death.
    2024/03/27 12:11
  • Wistron factory fire: minimal impact on operations

    Wistron and Young Optics factories in Hsinchu unaffected by fire incident. Wistron reassures no significant impact on operations and finances, while Young Optics temporarily shut down for assessment. Employees safely evacuated as investigation into fire cause continues.
    2024/03/26 11:34
  • Kaohsiung’s Dream Mall eats shut down amid poisoning scare

    Feastogether, a popular restaurant in Kaohsiung’s Dream Mall, has been temporarily closed for a thorough cleanliness inspection after reports of food poisoning. Several diners who ate at the restaurant last Saturday experienced vomiting and diarrhea. The Kaohsiung City Government’s Department of Health is investigating the source of the contamination. If food safety regulations have been violated, fines exceeding NT$60,000 could be imposed. The Feastogether Group has pledged to cooperate fully with government food safety policies and assist affected customers.
    2024/02/07 16:54
  • Carrefour Market Fuzhong Store to shut down in January

    The Carrefour Market Fuzhong Store in Banqiao District, New Taipei, will close on January 14, 2024, after operating for 14 years. The store, which has been open 24 hours a day since its grand opening in 2009, will shut down due to the expiration of its lease contract. Carrefour plans to find a new location and announce a grand reopening once a site is selected. The news of the closure has disappointed many customers, particularly those who rely on the store’s round-the-clock services. Residents in the area have been discussing the impending closure, with some expressing shock and pity for the loss of the convenient late-night operation.
    2023/12/18 14:54
  • Nien Hsing Textile to shut down denim mill amid losses

    Nien Hsing Textile Co., Ltd. announces the closure of its denim mill in Houlong Township, Miaoli County, due to significant operational losses. The Taiwan-based global jeans manufacturer faces challenges including fluctuating cotton prices and a tough consumer market.
    2023/11/22 11:41
  • Joint investigation kicks off on deadly Pingtung fire blaze

    Minister Wang denies blame-shifting in Pingtung factory blaze incident. Launch Technologies’ factories shut down due to hazardous materials storage beyond limits. Premier Chen supports the action, highlighting central-local government cooperation.
    2023/09/26 19:46
  • AUO closes production lines in Tainan

    AUO Corporation unexpectedly laid off around 200 employees on Friday (Aug. 4). This comes as a part of the parent company’s strategy to shut down two of their production lines, C5D and C6C, located in Tainan and move production to other lines in hopes of improving overall operational efficiency.
    2023/08/04 22:16
  • 湖人拚戰績利多?季初才掀「重建奇蹟」 傳爵士雙槍提前關機

    2022-23賽季的NBA季賽進入最後倒數,東、西區部分已經有4隊確定無緣季後賽,分別是黃蜂、馬刺、火箭以及活塞,而西區名列後段的拓荒者、爵士也同樣位處出局邊緣,而繼拓荒者王牌里拉德(Damian Lillard)後,也再度傳出有球員將被提前「關機(Shut down)」的消息;這對仍在朝季後賽衝刺的藍網、雷霆及湖人來說無疑是個好消息。
    2023/03/29 11:04
  • 最愛BLACKPINK哪首? 網嗨喊「早期經典歌」:一聽中毒

    人氣女團BLACKPINK昨(18)日起連2天在高雄世運主場開唱,吸引9萬多粉絲前往朝聖。昨晚,一位粉絲在PPT問廣大網友,「最喜歡的BLACKPINK主打歌是哪首?」貼文一出掀起熱議,許多網友紛紛列出〈Kill this love〉、〈How You Like That〉等火紅歌曲,不過,網友最喜愛票選第一名,是「這首」早期的經典歌曲。
    2023/03/19 14:29
  • 郭台銘13歲愛女罕露臉嗨跳舞曲! 超強實力不輸曾馨瑩

    鴻海集團創辦人郭台銘2008年與妻子曾馨瑩結婚,婚後育有1子2女,其中13歲的大女兒「妞妞」承襲媽媽擅長跳舞的天賦,先前就曾在鴻海尾牙勁歌熱舞,而她為了讓舞技更上一層樓,還參加「TDC偶像表演學院」。曾馨瑩日前就在社群曬出愛女嗨跳南韓女團BLACKPINK新歌〈Shut Down〉,只見她毫不怯場,在舞台上盡情熱舞,全身散發魅力,氣勢十足。
    2022/09/25 16:20
  • 【今晚熱搜】BLACKPINK/貝克漢/路易士/陳明通/蔡琴/管中閔

    今(17日)晚熱搜關鍵字為「BLACKPINK」。韓國女團「BLACKPINK」16日發行第2張正規專輯回歸歌壇,最新釋出的主打歌《Shut Down》MV,上線21小時觀看次數也逼近4800萬,人氣相當旺。以下為最受網友歡迎、點閱率最高的6則新聞。
    2022/09/17 21:23
  • BLACKPINK出新輯 新MV 21hrs觀看數近4800萬Jennie、V吻照曝光

    韓國女團「BLACKPINK」16日發行第2張正規專輯回歸歌壇,而她們上個月推出的先行曲《Pink Venom》,MV上線30個小時觀看次數就破億,是今年最快破億的女團MV;而最新釋出的主打歌《Shut Down》MV,上線21小時觀看次數也逼近4800萬,人氣相當旺。
    2022/09/17 12:47
  • 抗議連連!智利取消APEC 掌握國際新聞關鍵字

    2019年的亞太經濟合作會議(APEC,又簡稱亞太經合會),原訂於11月16、17日於智利(Chile)首都聖地牙哥(Santiago)舉辦。但很遺憾地,智利於10月31日宣布由於抗議過多(due to numerous ongoing protests),取消(cancel)了本年度的APEC,且當地也有多處地區被關閉(shut down)。
    2019/11/04 15:52
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